Knowing your Worth

Okay so we see this phrase all the time. “Girl you better know your worth and add taxes to it!” but most people are passive about this. They don’t apply it to themselves when it comes down to it. People are like “oh yeah I know my worth” but when it comes down to a real life situation they end up selling themselves short. You ladies and gents actually need to know your worth!! Stop with the self doubt. You are amazing. Obviously everyone has areas in their lives/personal characteristics that they could work on. But the importance of knowing your worth is so that nobody can side swipe you of it or try to “get a deal”.

Know your self worth and never settle for less. If you know you’re worth a million dollars and someone comes along and tries to buy you for a thousand dollars, you better not be having that! There are going to be people in your life constantly trying to knock you down, insult you, and get you to believe that your self worth is less than it is. Don’t fall for it! Bill gates is not going to take a job offer as a janitor. Halle barry is not going to be told that shes ugly from somebody and then believe that shes ugly. If you’re a mansion, your listing price is not going to be that of an apartment. So don’t let somebody try to convince you otherwise! A diamond is a diamond and a rock is a rock. Don’t let somebody try to come along and tell a diamond that it’s a rock. A doctor is not going to take a job as a nurse or take a job bagging groceries ya feel me? Know your worth!! And this goes for all factors of life. This does not just apply to ‘girls dealing with boy issues’. It goes deeper than that. This could be a problem with your job, and your boss not promoting you when you know you have what it takes! This could be about people overlooking your victories and playing you down. This could be about performing sports at a Varsity level and the coaches telling you you need to be on Junior Varsity. There are all sorts of situations that this applies to so know what you are worth so people and life circumstances don’t try to sell you short. Don’t take a job with a company as sales person when you have the experience of a CEO. When you know your self worth no one can use you and better opportunities will come around.

Know your worth, cause when you have that knowledge, no one can stop you.

~Nicole Kellum

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